Partner of a Pilot
The Candid Diary of an Airline Pilot’s Girlfriend

Archive for November 2010

XXX TSA Scanner Humour

November 26, 2010

Ok, so I just saw this and I thought it was funny, so I thought I’d post it for you to have a giggle too… It is the Saturday Night Live’s ‘take off’ of the new ‘TSA Image Campaign’. I have written before about my issues with the scanner images in this post called: TSA […]

Why do emergencies ALWAYS seem to happen when the Pilot is AWAY!?

November 9, 2010

Okay, so I need to vent! I was in SUCH a great mood last night too… Bf had left to do a very quick trip away, and then last night, as I was flossing my teeth, I lost my root filling. I lay awake most of the night, and then was woken to the noise […]